Quickly, Safely, Permanently if You DESIRE! Weight Loss Programs That You Can Do and are Designed for YOUR Specific Needs. Put an End to your Yo-Yo Dieting!Each TERMINATOR improves YOUR odds of being a WINNER in Your FAT WAR. Together, they work "synergistically" to Zap Fat from your waist line. Weight Loss Terminator Number One is FAT TRAPPER™ that absorbs dietary fat before it reaches your waistline allowing you to eat normally and still lose weight. Each 250 mg tablet can eliminate 2-4 grams of fat. Take the recommended 8 tablets a day and up to 16-32 grams of fat can be eliminated. Over one month that can amount to 7 fewer pounds! Remember, these are pounds of fat that can cling to your waist line, raise your cholesterol levels, harden your arteries, shorten and make miserable your life! Weight Loss TERMINATOR Two is our High Potency Energy and Appetite Suppressor we sell nationally as the RAIN FOREST DIET SECRET that combines the energizing yerba mate, 200 mg, Guarana, 200 mg and Damiana, 100 mg into the most powerful fat burning supplement available. This same formula is sold on national TV for $134.00. This formula can help you burn the actual fat off your body while decreasing your appetite. You eat less and stimulate your body to burn more fat. There is NO controversial Ma Hung or ephedra that may make you jumpy, nauseous, or maybe increase blood pressure! Weight Loss TERMINATORS Three, Four and Five are the unique Supplementspot Triple Hormone Tablets combining:
All of these Super Weight Loss Terminators are sold separately and we urge you to read our information packed descriptions by clicking on the links below. Then, order your Super Weight Loss Plan that saves you up to 65% over the cost of individual purchases. Effective, guaranteed, and economical weight loss from JMSVitamins.com. You can also apply for the free weekly Low Fat Recipes Newsletter and Recipe Site where you will find over 1200 free low-fat recipes. JMS's Super Weight Loss Plan is a total program designed to get the weight off and keep it off without yo-yo dieting and unhealthy diets of any type. While you may actually lose several pounds in a week, to lose just 1 pound a week is very healthy and easily achievable. If you lose to much to fast you are probably losing both muscle mass and water weight instead of fat. Then if you get off your diet plan and put on a few pounds, you are likely putting on fat and not muscle. So everytime this happens, you lose muscle and gain fat. This can be a vicious cycle and the opposite of what you want to do. Up to 90% of the people trying to lose or maintain their objective weight fall into this trap. Healthy diet, exercise, supplements, and a realistic approach is the Key to acheiving your desired weight. Our 30 Day Plan is designed to help you lose 1-2 lbs. a week. It also saves you money. Purchased individually, these Super Weight Loss Weapons cost $77, a savings of 29%! 30 DAY SUPER WEIGHT LOSS PLAN contains:
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